Strife: Shadows & Steam playmat (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.60
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.84
Players: 2 to 2
Published: 2016
Content Notes: Strife: Shadows and Steam Deluxe Game Mat Supplement.
The original Champions of Aerim have long since faded from memory. Technology has begun its slow and steady rise within civilization, while many still cling desperately to the magic of old. Astaria itself has grown into a vast, sprawling empire, yet rebellion is carried on whispers from deep within the shadows. The strength of steam could spark a revolution. But for the Eternals, the cycle continues as it always has. For them, there is only… strife.
Strife: Shadows and Steam is a stand-alone sequel to Strife: Legacy of the Eternals. Using the same core mechanics, Strife: SaS introduces new characters, abilities and a unique twist or two that will be sure to add a fresh take on this exciting game. This sequel is also fully compatible with the original game, so you can face off with champions of Aerim from different ages!
Strife, a two-player strategy card game that plays in around an hour, is a game where you always know your opponent’s options. Aside from mastering the unique combo-creating gameplay of your champions, figuring out how to outmaneuver your opponent is where the true challenge lies.
Each player has the same hand of ten champions and will simultaneously play them as they fight over key locations throughout Aerim worth varying victory points. Each champion has a battle ability that’s triggered during battles and a legacy ability that can be used only while on top of the legacy pile. This creates an intricate latticework of strategy for the players as each champion must be considered for not only what he can do in the current battle, but for which ability he will add to the next.
Further impacting the critical decisions within the game is the Fatestone tie-breaking system. The Fatestone starts at a value of one, and whoever holds the Fatestone die loses all ties; that player may instead pass the stone to his opponent to claim a victory in that tie, but doing so raises the value of the Fatestone by one each time it is passed. At the end of the game, the player holding the Fatestone adds its final value to his victory point tally. Whichever player has the most victory points at the end of the game wins!
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