KEEP (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.62
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.39
Players: 2 to 5
Published: 2015
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of KEEP Board Game. Includes core game plus all met stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Life is bustling within the castle walls. But you want for more. You want for a life in the Keep. Unfortunately, so does everyone else.
KEEP is a drafting game. Each round, players pass hands of cards consisting of items and characters. Items are worth coins on their own, or can be sold for additional coins. Characters increase the players, coins at the end of the game based on the other cards they’ve drafted, or offer a special ability, and sometimes both.
Each round, each player keeps and plays one card from his hand and passes the remaining cards to the next player.
Potions, Merchants, Baked Goods, and Thieves; with a combination of drafting, hidden information, and simple mechanics, choosing what to keep and what to pass may be harder than it seems.
At the end of 8 rounds, the player with the most coins can buy his way into a new life within the confines of the keep.
Featuring the illustrations of Oliver Howe, KEEP is a card game for 2-5 players set in a medieval castle, with just a hint of take that. KEEP’s gameplay time is roughly 5 minutes per player.
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