Gorus Maximus: Premium Pledge Plus Promo Card (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.54
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.79
Players: 1 to 8
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter Premium Edition of Gorus Maximus by Inside Up Games. Includes core game, Custom Poker Chips, card sleeves, gold gilded plastic cards, KS Exclusive box sleeve, metal sword first player marker, all other unlocked stretch goals , PLUS the manbearpig promo card. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Gorus Maximus is a bloody trick-taking game of gladiatorial combat in which the trump suit can change mid-trick! The game can be played “player vs. player” or in teams.
Dispatch your strongest gladiators and most ferocious beasts to earn crowd favor! Match the rank of the last gladiator played, and the trump suit changes immediately!
Players are dealt a hand of ten gladiator cards and must contribute one gladiator to each bout (trick). There is a preferred school (trump suit) and the strongest gladiator from this school wins the bout. If no preferred gladiator entered the fight, then the strongest initiating gladiator (suit called for) wins. Players must follow the initiating school if possible, or they may “challenge” by matching the strength of the last gladiator played, immediately changing the preferred school to that of their gladiator!
Players compete to collect gladiators with positive crowd favor and avoid those with negative favor. The player with the highest favor at the end of the round earns 1 crowd support. The first player to earn 3 crowd support has won the support of the masses and earns the title: Champion of Gorus Maximus!
2-Go Tuck Box
Poker Chips
Gorus Maximus can now be played Solo – Meaning 1-8 players!
English rulebook updated below for solo rules, and HERE is a video to explain solo play!
English Rulebook
— From the publisher
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