Dungeon Alliance: Champions’ Alliance Pledge with Adventure Packs (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.96
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.82
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter “Champions Alliance” Pledge for Dungeon Alliance by Quixotic Games. Includes Dungeon Alliance core game, “Champions” expansion, Adventure Packs I-IV (The Lost Alliance, War in the Deep, The Gilded Prison, and The Titan Awakens), and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Dungeon Alliance is a deck-building, dungeon-crawling miniatures adventure game that allows players to send 1 – 4 different teams of adventurers into perilous dungeons in search of experience and treasure. There are options for competitive, cooperative, and solo play!
At the start of the game, each player drafts his or her own team of four heroes and uses tactical movement and cardplay to overcome the dungeon’s monsters and acquire treasures. Rival teams may compete with one another to slay monsters, or even battle one another for complete domination.
Dungeon Alliance may be played with or without player-vs-player combat at the players, discretion. And includes rules for competitive, cooperative, and solo play.
In the days before the Void consumed much of the Old World, there were stalwart humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes who banded together to invade the deep places of the earth. These heroes forged unbreakable alliances in search of knowledge, treasure, and glory. Rival adventuring parties would often descend into the same dungeon, and these companies fought one another as fiercely as they battled the monsters that lurked behind every dark corner. These were daring times, when nothing in the world was considered more sacred than the oath that bound those who shared the dangers of the pit together. This was the age of the Dungeon Alliance.
Dungeon Alliance is a deck-building, dungeon-crawling miniatures adventure game that allows players to send 1-4 different teams of adventurers into perilous dungeons in search of experience and treasure. At the start of the game, each player drafts their own team of four heroes (from the 17 included in the game) and uses tactical movement and card play to overcome the dungeon’s monsters and treasures. Each player starts with a unique twelve-card starting deck that includes the starting cards from all four of their heroes.
Rival teams may compete with one another to slay monsters, or even battle one another for complete domination. As each team of heroes overcomes monsters and challenges, they earn experience point (XP) tokens that they can spend to purchase new cards for their alliance decks. Once spent, XP tokens are flipped face down and kept until the end of the game. When the sun greets those who emerge from the pit, the alliance that has accrued the most XP claims the mantle of victory.please contact us at The Game Steward.
The Dungeon Alliance: Champions expansion was introduced during the first Dungeon Alliance Kickstarter, but the retail version has not been released until now.
This expansion adds four new heroes complete with their hero cards, starting deck cards, and miniatures. The expansion also includes 8 new upgrade cards, as well as the Deck of Many Treasures that allows you to “dig deeper” into Treasure Chests for greater rewards.
The Deep Dungeon Final Enemy Room allows adventurers to venture into the dungeon’s lowest depths to face their most powerful adversaries, and players can even confront the majestic Titan for the ultimate confrontation!
Our new Adventure Packs now allow players to experience story-based adventures during their campaigns!
Each Adventure Pack includes approximately 40 – 60 cards, 1 – 3 punchboard sheets , and 1 rules booklet. Each Adventure Pack adds a new narrative story arc to the game, and each alliance can choose the ways in which it wishes to engage each particular story arc.
These packs are a non-linear way to add story content over the course of an entire campaign (solo, cooperative, or competitive) and should keep the game challenging as the heroes spend Campaign Points between adventures.
Check out the video below for an in-depth look at the new Adventure Packs:
The Adventure Packs will not be available for regular retail sale, and besides the Kickstarter, they will only be available at conventions and as promo packs sold online on our website or at the BGG store. The Adventure Packs will normally cost $15 each online, and they will not be available for purchase until 6 months after the backers receive their copies. As the KS campaign reaches stretch goals, more Adventure Packs will be added to backers at no additional cost.
Adventure Pack I: The Lost Alliance
Something terrible has befallen the alliance of Tay the Summoner, Mitra the Trickster, Vrakh the Hunter, and Shoktor the Transmuter. They entered the Slayer’s Dungeon weeks ago, and have not been heard from since. Your party now dares to enter the same dungeon. Will your team aid the Lost Alliance, or will you seal their fate once and for all?
Adventure Pack II: War in the Deep
For centuries, the Subterranean Realms have supported an uneasy truce among the Empire of the Dark Elves, the Dominion of the Trolls, and the Kingdom of the Dwarves. Now some mysterious force has destroyed that truce, and open war has spilled into the lands above and below. Will your alliance discover a way to end the War in the Deep, or will you exploit the conflict to further your own ends?
Adventure Pack III: The Gilded Prison
Mryth the Gold Dragon awoke from a dream where he had reformed all the wicked creatures in the universe, thereby abolishing evil for all time. Determined to see his dream come true, Mryth constructed a majestic fortress where he trapped thousands of monsters with the hope of rehabilitating them. But sometimes dreams turn into nightmares. When the dragon’s Gilded Prison is breached, will your alliance help him restore order, or will you add to the chaos?
Adventure Pack IV: The Titan Awakens
The Titan has presented a threat to adventurers in the King’s land for centuries. But he was not always a godlike being. Travel through the Void to an ancient time to witness the rise of this mighty entity. Will you be able to discover the hidden secrets of your world when you behold the age when The Titan Awakens?
–from the publisher
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