Kingdom Death Monster: Abyssal Woods Expansion (Retail Pre-Order)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-06-30
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.57
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Abyssal Woods Expansion for Kingdom Death: Monster by Adam Poots. Includes Abyssal Woods Expansion. Requires Kingdom Death: Monster core game to play (sold separately).
The Abyssal Woods campaign, of course has an Abyssal Woods Campaign! It’s fully developed re-imaging of the People of Bloom campaign in the Flower Knight Expansion!
Develop a civilization in the Abyssal Woods! Worship the Flower Knight. Battles Disciples of the Witch! Hunt the Dragon Goblin, Confront the Flower Witch! Craft awesome armor, roll around Spider Balls and more!!!
In addition to the Core Game. You’ll need:
Flower Knight expansion
Spidicules Expansion.
The Dung Beetle Knight and Honeycomb Weaver expansions have optional special interactions with the campaign too!
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