Dinosaur Island: Rawr and Write Savage Edition Pledge Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Savage Edition Pledge for Dinosaur Island Rawr & Write Board Game by Pandasaurus Games. Includes core game, and all unlocked Dinosaur Island Rawr and Write stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Dinosaur Island: Rawr ,n Write is a roll-and-write version of the critically-acclaimed game Dinosaur Island.
Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write is a unique game in which players draft dice and then use those drafted dice as workers in a worker placement phase. Then, a fun polyomino puzzle ensues as you try and fit all your attractions and Dinosaurs into your park while buildings roads and routes to the exits for bonus points. At the end of the game, have more victory points than your opponents to win!
We’re glad to back campaigns to bring you games like Dinosaur Island: Rawr and Write Savage Edition Pledge Bundle to buy online at TheGameSteward. We will use a hefty percentage of every dollar you spend on Dinosaur Island: Rawr and Write Savage Edition Pledge Bundle towards backing fantastic new games on Kickstarter! Just a reminder, if you have purchase questions on Dinosaur Island: Rawr and Write Savage Edition Pledge Bundle game, how to buy online at The Game Steward or just need game advice, please contact us at The Game Steward.