Rising Sun: CMON Comic Book Volume 1 Plus Promos (Kickstarter Special)
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Comic Book Plus Promos for the Rising Sun board game by CMON. Includes graphic novel, 96 Kickstarter Exclusive Clan and Province mini cards plus 15 Tower Season Cards. Requires core game (sold separately). This is an expansion of Rising Sun core game. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Preview of the full rules:
This leaflet includes special game modes players can use when playing Rising Sun. There are 3 new modes of play, each adding a distinct flavor to your games.
Ninjas of the Rising Sun
In this game mode, players have control over ninjas who have infiltrated the province of their choice. At any point of the season, before the War phase, you may choose to reveal your province card. The sleeper Ninjas activate and immediately kill any 2 figures in that province.
You have to be careful as ninjas kill indiscriminately. So if you only have 1 enemy figure in the province with figures that belong to your clan, you MUST kill one of your figures as well.
Of course, your ninjas don’t have to be activated and can be used as threats, a constant terror hanging over your opponents.
Just be wary, for your opponents have their own ninjas as well.
The Ichiko
This game mode is all about prediction. The Ichiko communicate with the Shinto and Kami, attempting to predict the outcome of the war. You attempt to predict the winner of a battle of an opposing clan.
If successful, you will take the War Province token instead of the original victor. This game of chance will turn the tide of war in your favor, only if you are wise enough to predict correctly.
Unfortunately, you can only make a single prediction per Season, and you cannot make of your own clan.
Merciful Conquest
The final game mode is the most diplomatic of them all. Merciful conquest allows players to choose provinces with a War Number token where diplomatic agreements will take place.
In these provinces, battles are resolved without casualty. In these battles, the figures of the losing players are NOT killed. However, the winners immediately gain Victory Points (VPs) based on the season. In tight matches, the 4VPs gained during Autumn would surely turn the tide in your favor.
Perhaps there is something to gain by sparing your enemies…
We have also uploaded the pdf for your convenience. The leaflet can be found here:https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1915/6645/files/rising-sun-leaflet.pdf
–from the publisher
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