Paris: Deluxe Big Box Core Game with L’Etoile Expansion Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.88
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Paris Deluxe Edition Board Game with L,Etoile Expansion by Game Brewer. Includes Deluxe Edition core game, custom tray insert, custom wooden tiles and tokens, Deluxe Edition L,Etoile Expansion, and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Explore Paris in the 19th century. Discover its renowned architecture and obtain the most eminent buildings in the right districts to achieve victory.
Paris is a typical medium-weight Kramer and Kiesling Eurostyle-game with straightforward gameplay, short player turns, and an ingenious point salad mechanism. You mainly score points by obtaining the right buildings and collecting the right bonus cards.
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