Warfighter: The Wwii Tactical Combat Card Game (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.02
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.86
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2016
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Warfighter: The WWII Tactical Combat Card Game Board Game. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Warfighter is a card game for 1 to 6 players. You play cooperatively with your friends against the system to complete World War II squad-level combat missions.
The core game and 4 expansions provides you with all the cards you need to play as, or against, the Americans, British, or Germans in post D-Day Europe.
This includes the soldiers, weapons, equipment, and tactics used by each of those nations. Everything you need to create your own unique squad of soldiers!
At the start of each mission, you each select one or more Player Soldiers, equip them with skills, weapons, and combat gear within the mission’s Resource limit. You then fight your way through hostile territory and engage enemy soldiers, as you attempt to reach and complete your mission objective. Every mission is a stand-alone game. You build your Soldiers, select your Gear, and then run your mission. Within 30 to 60 minutes you will have succeeded or failed.
Warfighter uses a new combat system that takes into account the fire mode you select for your weapon, range to the target, running out of ammo, suppression fire, and cover – all in the same dice roll!
This system creates an incredibly deep narrative with every attack. As you eliminate soldiers, you gain experience to Upgun your Action cards, play Support cards, and activate special Skills.
There are 3 levels of Soldiers in Warfighter: Player Soldiers, Non-Player Soldiers, and Squad Soldiers.
–from the publisher
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