Welcome To: Winter Wonderland Thematic Neighborhood Expansion (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.91
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.77
Players: 1 to 100
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Welcome To… Winter Wonderland Thematic Neighborhood Board Game Expansion by Deep Water Games. Includes 1 scorepad. Requires Welcome To…Board Game (sold separately) to play.
Thematic Neighborhood Sheet Packs serve as refill and expansion packs for the base game. They are more than just some pretty decorations for the neighborhood. These packs come with new ways to score as well! Each pack comes with 3 associated city plan cards. In Winter Wonderland rules remain similar to the original, but now every house that you build in numerical order will have lights strung between them and contribute to scoring points at the end of the game. Everyone’s longest string of lights on each street will score them points!
–from the publisher
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