5 Minute Dungeon: Core Game Plus Stretch Goals (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.26
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.72
Players: 2 to 5
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edion of 5 Minute Dungeon Card Game. Includes core game and stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
5-Minute Dungeon is a chaotic, co-operative, real-time card game in which players have only five minutes to escape the randomized dungeon. Communication and teamwork are critical to survival because there’s no time to form a carefully considered plan — and no predicting what dangers lie ahead.
In more detail, players assume the role of one of ten heroes, each with special cards and abilities. Once the five-minute timer starts, the race is on to defeat all the monsters inside the dungeon. In order to defeat a monster, players must match symbols from their hand with ones on the monster’s card. At the end of each dungeon is a powerful dungeon boss — and after the first boss is defeated, the campaign continues to the second boss. Each boss, and each randomized dungeon, gets harder until players reach the fifth and final boss.
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