burncycle: Biodefend Corporation (Retail Edition)
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2022
Content Notes: Retail Edition of burncycle: BioDefend Corporation Board Game Expansion by Chip Theory Games. Includes expansion. Requires burncycle core game to play (sold separately).
To arms! BioDefend is the newest corporation to threaten the bots of burncycle, and it may be their toughest challenge yet!
With a focus on heavily-armed guards, BioDefend and its CEO, the ruthless Latipah Loong, will trap your bots in place with burncycle-destroying threat triggers and mobile enemies. Featuring its own special rooms, corporation layouts and objective/imperative cards, the BioDefend expansion can extend your burncycle campaign or serve as a formidable standalone foe.
This expansion adds a new Corporation to fight against, and a powerful CEO. BioDefend is a weapons manufacturer, and maybe the most dangerous corporation. Includes 2 new neoprene rooms, 1 CEO chip, 15 equipment cards and dice, 2 guard captain chips, 20 objective cards, 10 imperative cards, 5 mods, 2 guard captain cards, 1 threat card.
–from the publisher
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