Card Rogue: A Tabletop Roguelike (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.52
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.30
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Card Rogue Board Game. Includes core game with Kickstarter Stretch Goals: Four playable characters: the Rogue, the Warrior, the Cleric, and the Explorer. Plus Kickstarter Stretch Goal the Mage and the Bard playable characters. Over 150 explorable cards such as paths, enemies, traps, treasures, and mysteries. Over 20 unique items such as weapons, armor, scrolls, and potions. Player tokens, a die, reference sheets and all other stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Card Rogue is a tabletop roguelike game set in the underground catacombs that haunt the dreams of so many adventurers. Play alone against the game, or gather four players together to try and survive the mysteries of the dangerous catacombs. The game board is randomly created as the players make their way down uncertain paths. Thus, every game is different and requires a unique approach.
To survive, a player must be lucky, adaptable, and tactical. Traps, enemies, loot, or fame are met around every corner. Players must ally together to survive, but at some point they must betray that trust. Only the strongest and smartest will make it out alive, and only one player will be pronounced the victor.
Game Components:
Four playable characters: the Rogue, the Warrior, the Cleric, and the Explorer.
Over 150 explorable cards such as paths, enemies, traps, treasures, and mysteries.
Over 20 unique items such as weapons, armor, scrolls, and potions.
Player tokens, a die, reference sheets, and everything else needed to start your epic journey!
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