Champions of Midgard: The Expansion Jarl Pledge (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.26
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.46
Players: 2 to 5
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Kickstarter “Jarl Pledge” Level for Champions of Midgard: The Dark Mountains & Valhalla Board Game Expansions. Includes both expansions plus Kickstarter exclusives: Viking Meeples & Score Trackers in 6 different player colors, 2 Merchant Ships, 2 Land Journey Cards, 2 Sea Journey Cards, and Gullinkambi Boat. Please note: Does not include base game. Only the items listed are included.
💥 The Dark Mountains Board Game Expansion,
💥 Valhalla Board Game Expansion,
💥 Kickstarter Exclusive Viking Meeples,
💥 Kickstarter Exclusive Score Trackers in 6 different player colors,
💥 2 Merchant Ships,
💥 2 Land Journey Cards,
💥 2 Sea Journey Cards, and
💥 Gullinkambi Boat.
Become the Next Jarl
Viking era worker placement game with dice-driven combat
Champions of Midgard blends worker-placement and dice-driven combat to create an exciting and strategic experience. Recruit warriors, gain powerful runes, and peer into the future – then send your faithful fighters on journeys to defeat fierce and mythical beasts. Gain the most glory to become the new Jarl and be recognized as a Champion of Midgard!
This game has gained a loyal fan base since it was published in 2015. It was featured on Wil Wheaton’s Tabletop and has two critically-acclaimed expansions, The Dark Mountains and Valhalla.
The Dark Mountain Expansion:
⛰️ 2 New Side Boards
⛰️ 1 Dark Mountains Board
⛰️ 1 Expanded Market Board
⛰️ 24 Bergrisar Cards
⛰️ 24 New Enemy Cards
⛰️ 5 New Rune Cards
⛰️ 24 Land Journey Cards
⛰️ 1 New Destiny Card
⛰️ 12 Archer Dice
⛰️ 1 New Ship
⛰️ 2 New Leaders
⛰️ 1 Permanent Market Stall
⛰️ 2 New Economic Market Stalls1 New Military Market Stall
⛰️ Worker Pawns and Score Tokens for a 5th player
The Valhalla Expansion:
🍺 1 New Side Board (The Valhalla Board)
🍺 5 Burial Ground Tiles
🍺 10 Pink Berserker Dice
🍺 10 Shieldwarrior Dice
🍺 5 Leader Dice
🍺 32 Valkyrie Blessing Cards 9 Epic Monsters
🍺 2 New Destiny Cards
🍺 105 Sacrifice Tokens
🍺 2 NewLeader Boards
🍺 9 Leader Ability Boards
Jarl Exclusives:
🤴🏽 Exclusive Box
🤴🏽 Viking-Shaped Meeples in 6 Player Colors
🤴🏽 Helmet-Shaped Score Markers in 6 Player Colors
🤴🏽 1 Promo Ship
🤴🏽 2 Merchant Ships
🤴🏽 2 Land Journey Cards
🤴🏽 2 Journey Cards
Description from the publisher:
In Valhalla, the second expansion for Champions of Midgard, you will find yourself rewarded when your warriors die in battle. Your warriors, eternal glory becomes your earthly reward as the Valkyries bestow powerful effects, relics, and warriors upon you for use in your battles in Midgard. Some of your fallen soldiers may do more, rising to face the greatest enemies even in the afterlife, defeating epic monsters and bringing you glory from beyond the grave!
Couple these new rewards with fierce new warriors in the form of Berzerkers and Shieldwarriors, and new custom dice and powers for your leaders, and your adventures in Midgard will never be the same!
See Entire Champions of Midgard Collection Here.
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