Chocolate Factory (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 1 to 5
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Chocolate Factory Board Game. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Set in the early 20th century of entrepreneurs and chocolatiers experimenting with new ways to create and market chocolates, YOU are assigned the task of chief chocolate maker! Chocolate factory, a euro game of literal factory building and moving (using a pushable conveyer belt component) chocolates you must complete the most amount of chocolates required by retailers for the best value. The game also features wooden chocolate pieces and a movable conveyer belt making the physicality blended with euro mechanics a unique experience.
Gameplay overview:
Players are each given a starting player board which will have two Factory parts which apply to a physical conveyer belt. The conveyer belt part of the player board contains long slot with an empty region in which to push square tiles along. The tiles will house the chocolate pieces players will manipulate throughout the game.
During the game players will initially draft new factory parts (to add to their player board) and specialists (one time use cards with special powers).
Then each player will “push” three times cocoa into their machines. During each “push” players will be able to use fuel and their factory parts to manipulate their Chocolate pieces. Careful consideration will be required for the spatial element of the game as Chocolate pieces can only be manipulated during a push by the Factory part that is adjacent to their tile.
Players score points by creating chocolates for public and personal objectives. The player with the most points at the end wins.
–from the publisher
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