Conan: Sabertooth Tiger (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.55
Players: 2 to 5
Published: 2016
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The creature that stood in the gate was like the embodiment of nightmare legend. Its color was of a curious pale quality which made it seem ghostly and unreal in the dim light. But there was nothing unreal about the low-hung savage head, and the great curved fangs that glistened in the firelight. On noiseless padded feet it approached like a phantom out of the past. It was a survival of an older, grimmer age, the ogre of many an ancient legend—a saber-tooth tiger. No Hyborian hunter had looked upon one of those primordial brutes for centuries. Immemorial myths lent the creatures a supernatural quality, induced by their ghostly color and their fiendish ferocity.
— Robert E. Howard, Beyond the Black River
2 Tiles (2 in French, 2 in English)
1 Plastic miniature
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