Coup: Deluxe Brazillian Art Edition (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.95
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.41
Players: 2 to 8
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Deluxe Brazilian Art Edition of Coup Board Game by Indie Board and Cards. Includes core game and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
In Coup, you want to be the last player with influence in the game, with influence being represented by face-down character cards in your playing area.
Each player starts the game with two coins and two influence – i.e., two face-down character cards; the fifteen card deck consists of three copies of five different characters, each with a unique set of powers. Players take turns taking various actions with the goal to reduce all of his or her opponents to 0 influence. The last player to still have influence – that is, a face-down character – wins the game!
Its expansion, Coup: Reformation, adds new cards to the game and rules for factions and team play that increases tension.
Each player must declare himself either a Loyalist or a Resistant and can target only members of the other faction. Conversion is possible for yourself or for another player by paying a charitable donation to the Treasury. Like all factions, once you have eliminated or converted the other group, you just descend into in-fighting, so there’s still only one winner and no second place.
–from the publisher
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