Cthulhu Wars: 6-8 Player Map Bundle [CW-M10] (Retail Edition 2017)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.62
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.02
Players: 6 to 8
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Cthulhu Wars: 6-8 Player Map Board Game Expansion by Petersen Games. This game expansion is an official map that is usable with 6-8 players.
This 6-8 player double sided map enables you to play with more than 5 friends at once.
It works just like the normal 3-5 player map, in that one side is the 6-player side, the other is the 8-player side, and when you flip one half face-up and the other face-down you get two different configurations of the 7-player map.
There are only 7 playable factions in the game, but we were able to provide the 8-player map for free, because of the way we do the maps.
It is available for people who wants to create their own new factions, and who knows, maybe someday Green Eye Games will release a 8th playable faction.
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