Cthulhu Wars: Great Old One Pack Four [CW-GOO4] (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 7.18
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.06
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Great Old One Pack 4 Cthulhu Wars Board Game Expansion by Petersen Games. Includes 3 loyalty cards, 3 unique spellbooks, one for each Independent, 5 High-Quality Plastic Figures Including Byatis, Nyogtha x 3 and Tulszcha.
Cthulhu Wars: Great Old One Pack Four adds three new Great Old Ones to Cthulhu Wars. As in the other Great Old One Packs, each Old One may be added to any game of Cthulhu Wars and is available to all factions on a first come, first served basis. Each Great Old One has its own special ability, plus its own unique spellbook, which is earned separately from your own.
The Old Ones in this pack are Byatis, Nyogtha, and Tulzscha. Byatis lures enemy cultists to their doom, Tulszcha subverts the purpose of the Ritual track, and Nyogtha takes prisoners away to its lair.
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