DCeased: A Zombicide Game Life Equation Set (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-04-30
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2025
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive DCeased: A Zombicide Game Life Equation Set Board Game Expansion by CMON. Includes 1 Supergirl Super Hero Figure, 1 Beast Boy Super Hero Figure, 1 Brainiac Super Hero Figure, 1 Eagly Bystander Figure, 3 Super Hero ID Cards, and 1 Bystander Card. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included. Requires DCeased core game to play (sold separately). Note: This item is not included in the Omega Pledge, and is sold separately from that bundle.The Life Equation Set comes with:
- 1 Supergirl Super Hero Figure
- 1 Beast Boy Super Hero Figure
- 1 Brainiac Super Hero Figure
- 1 Eagly Bystander Figure
- 3 Super Hero ID Cards
- 1 Bystander Card
The Life Equation Set brings living versions of Supergirl, Beast Boy, and Brainiac as well as Eagly as a Bystander. This set contains four of the most requested characters from the Kickstarter comments that weren’t released during the campaign. It was created for purchase in the pledge manager.
The Life Equation Set is an Exclusive Optional Buy that brings four of the characters that backers asked for the most as the campaign drew to a close. This includes two living versions of characters that were previously only zombies, one brand new villain joining the Super Heroes in the battle against the Anti-Life, and last but certainly not least, a faithful and very patriotic feathered Bystander.
Kara-Zor-El joins her cousin in the fight against the Anti-Life (or maybe she’s the best hope to take him out if he’s been infected). Supergirl’s Kryptonian heritage makes her as tough as it gets and capable of punching out the toughest of enemies. Her heat vision is a great way to explore dangerous buildings, obliterating not only the door but any zombie lurking behind it. Supergirl’s stamina makes her unstoppable, as she can spend Power to perform additional attacks or to fly out.
Beast Boy brings a very varied set of skills to the table, as he can take on the form of different animals as he gains experience. As a cheetah, he moves at uncanny speeds, zooming past the hordes. As a rhino, he’s able to charge into the hordes, taking some out automatically and freely attacking the others. Finally, as a gorilla, his attacks become extremely deadly, able to harm the toughest of enemies, and pushing away any who are still left standing.
Brainiac may be a villainous intergalactic collector of worlds, but faced with the Anti-Life threat he will join the Super Heroes in their desperate fight. His cybernetic physiology makes him very resilient, capable of taking lots of damage and repairing himself from it. When he unlocks his Technological Adaptation skill, he immediately gains an Equipment and is able to have several of them equipped at the same time. He may even turn his Equipment into additional Power to fuel his attacks. Thanks to his supreme intelligence he can find ways for himself and other Super Heroes to perform additional actions when it’s most strategically advantageous.
Eagly is the brave and loyal pet of Peacemaker, though this clever bald eagle is ready to fly to the aid of any Super hero fighting for freedom against Anti-Life. Eagly will fiercely defend its rescuer, clawing and pecking at any attacker, which can possibly prevent them from wounding you and damage them instead.
–from the publisher
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