Deception: Theme Pack North America (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 7.30
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.54
Players: 4 to 12
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Retail edition of Deception: Theme Pack – North America card game supplement. Includes a set of 20 regionally themed clue and means cards to use with Deception or CS-Files.
Find out who among you can cut through deception to find the truth and who is capable of getting away with murder!
USA Clue Cards
American Flag
Blue Jeans
Mouse Ear Hat
Means Cards
Race Horse
Canada Clue Cards
Hockey Puck
Maple Leaf
Mountie Hat
Means Cards
Curling Stone
Hockey Stick
Mexico Clue Cards
Luchador Mask
Olmec Mask
Means Cards
–from the publisher
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