Draw Your Own Conclusions (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 0.00
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.50
Players: 3 to 8
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Draw Your Own Conclusions Board Game by Grey Fox Games. Includes core game.
Draw Your Own Conclusions is a laugh-out-loud co-operative drawing game for 3 to 8 artists or…. artists .
Each round, each player will have a secret word they’ll try to get the person to their right to guess correctly. Every player has a unique shape assigned to them like a squiggly line, square, circle or triangle. They and all of the other players will work together to create the drawing by using only up to five of their assigned shape.
At the end of the round, each player will try and guess the secret word from the completed drawing. Get it wrong and you’ll have to spend a clue to get more information about another player’s intent with what they drew. Spend as few clues as possible to get the highest possible score.
Draw Your Own Conclusions is a creativity-inspiring game that can be enjoyed whether you’re the next Van Gogh or a barely competent doodler.
—description from publisher
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