Dungeonology: The Expedition Professor Pledge plus All-In Bundle Add-On (Kickstarter Special)
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Dungeonology by Ludus Magnus Studio. Includes Core Game, Circe Expansion, Solo/Co-Op Expansion, Rigor Mortis Expansion, Leonardo’s Workshop Expansion, Erasmus Expansion, 200 card sleeves, 100 mini card sleeves, Artbook, KS Exclusives, and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included. Welcome to the University of Rocca Civetta, the first of its kind, which aims to study the natural habitat of dangerous monsters and mysterious clans hidden in Italian lands.
🚪 Core Game,
🚪 Circe Expansion,
🚪 Solo/Co-Op Expansion,
🚪 Rigor Mortis Expansion,
🚪 Leonardo’s Workshop Expansion,
🚪 Erasmus Expansion,
🚪 200 card sleeves,
🚪 100 mini card sleeves,
🚪 Artbook, and
🗝️ All Unlocked Stretch Goals
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