Endangered A Game of Conservation: Red Wolf Scenario (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.00
Players: 1 to 5
Published: 2024
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Endangered A Game of Conservation: Red Wolf Scenario Board Game Expansion by Grand Gamers Guild. Includes one new expansion scenario and all unlocked stretch goals. Requires Endangered core game to play (sold separately). Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The march of humankind’s progress threatens the survival of the American Red Wolf. It’s up to you and your team to save them!
Work with your fellow conservationists to save American Red Wolves, challenging negative stereotypes, and gaining the support of landowners.
Historically, thousands of American red wolves were found throughout the southeastern United States. Today, only a small population exists in the wilds of North Carolina, making them the most endangered wolf in the world. Their fragile population has grown through a carefully managed breeding program. In 1987, they were reintroduced in Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. As of 2023, red wolves are still released there, though their population area now expands outside the refuge. Because a large portion of their recovery area encompasses privately owned land, local support is critical for coexistence.
–from the publisher
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