Fantastic Factories Manufactions: “Everything But The Play Mat” Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 9.00
Players: 1 to 5
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition “Everything but the Play Mat” Bundle for Fantastic Factories Manufactions Board Game Expansion by Deep Water Games. Includes Fantastic Factories, Fantastic Factories: Manufactions, Fantastic Factories: Subterfuge, Promo Pack 1, Promo Pack 2, Faction Promo Pack. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Manufactions is an expansion to Fantastic Factories that introduces all new blueprints, contractors, vitamin resources, and corporate factions that grant players unique powers.
Fantastic Factories is a light gateway strategy game for 1 to 5 players that’s easy to learn and plays in under 1 hour! It combines engine building and dice placement in a very accessible package that always leaves you wanting to play again!
- Approachable gateway game with simple iconography
- Easy to learn, 5 minutes to teach
- Lots of strategic depth in under 1 hour per game
- High replay value with 40+ unique cards
- Solo mode or up to 5 players with simultaneous play for quick games each time
With the ever-growing manufacturing industry comes the consolidation of power and expertise in the form of corporate factions! Each faction brings a unique competitive advantage that completely shifts the way business is done. Which faction will you align with in order to establish market dominance?
Manufactions and Subterfuge are not stand-alone expansions and must be combined with the original Fantastic Factories game in order to be played.
The stakes are high and tensions are running hot! Do whatever you can to get an edge over your competition, including some subterfuge… Corporate espionage or a little sabotage might just be what you need to take the lead!
Each Tier includes the new promos! Promo Pack 1 from the first campaign is also available as an add-on or on the “Everything” tier!
–description from the publisher
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