Firefly: The Game 10th Anniversary Edition Veteran Pilots Upgrade Kit (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.83
Players: 1 to 10
Published: 2024
Content Notes: Gamefound Exclusive 10th Anniversary Edition Veteran Pilots Upgrade Kit Board Game Supplement by Gale Force 9. Includes new expansion Still Flying, every promo card ever produced, 15 hand-painted resin ships, a neoprene ,Whole Damn ,Verse, mat, “Big Money”, 12 custom ship dice, an enamel first-player token, and all unlocked stretch goals.
In Firefly: The Game – based on the popular Firefly television series created by Joss Whedon – players captain their own Firefly-class transport ship, travelling the ,Verse with a handpicked crew of fighters, mechanics, and other passengers. As a captain desperate for work, players are compelled to take on any job — so long as it pays. Double-dealing employers, heavy-handed Alliance patrols, and marauding Reavers are all in a day’s work for a ship’s captain at the edge of the ,Verse.
Players begin with a ship, and travel from planet to planet, hiring crew, purchasing ship upgrades, and picking up cargo to deliver (jobs) all in the form of cards. Some crew and cargo are illegal, and can be confiscated if your ship is boarded by an Alliance vessel. Traveling from planet to planet requires turning over full burn cards, one for each space moved. Most do nothing, but you can also encounter an Alliance ship, have a breakdown, or even run into Reavers. Completing jobs gets you cash. First player to complete the story goals wins!
–from the publisher
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