Ghostbusters II: Tully Expansion (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.22
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Ghostbusters II: Tully Board Game Expansion. Contents Summary:
💥 1 Proton Pack Louis Tully Mini,
💥 1 Slime Blower Louis Tuly Mini,
💥 5 Titanic Ghost Minis,
💥 1 Theatre Ghost (50MM) Mini,
💥 1 Giga Plazm (100MM) Mini,
💥 4 Double Sided Map Tiles,
💥 4 Ghost Cards / 1 Player Card / 4 Scenarios,
💥 4 Equipment Cards / 4 Event Cards,
💥 2 Snap-on Colored Bases, and
💥 Tokens
Play as Louis Tully (ear muffs and all) in this campaign containing 4 scenarios, 4 new map tiles, 9 new minis, and more tokens! This campaign culminates in a battle against the dreaded Giga-Plazm, which has taken the Manhattan Museum of Art from its foundation.
Tully gets better at being a Ghostbuster when he can watch others do well at Ghostbusting. He’s also very good at making the most out of his deposits. If you’re tired of running, you can hop onto one of the new vehicle tokens included in this pack.
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