Gizmos Plus Lost Designs Promo Cards Bundle (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.47
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.59
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Gizmos Board Game Plus Lost Design Promo Set by Ares Games. Includes core game.
The smartest minds of our generation are gathering together at the Great Science Fair. Everyone’s been working hard on their creations, but only one will be crowned champion. Contestants have to think on the fly to build their machines quickly and efficiently. Whose project will be the best?
In Gizmos, you want to build engines — engines within the game to get things done faster. Using the four types of energy marbles, plucked from the 3D marble dispenser, you purchase and construct new additions to your works. As you build, new attachments can trigger chain reactions, letting you do even more on your turn. Whoever builds the greatest machine and collects the most victory points wins!
–from the publisher
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