Hate: Battlegrounds of Hate (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.06
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.66
Players: 2 to 6
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive HATE: Battlegrounds of Hate Board Game Expansion by CMON. Includes 1 Game Board, 12 Plateau Tiles, 10 Hut Tiles, 8 Tree Tiles, 100 Plastic Tokens, 6 Black Dice, and 5 Scenario Dashboards. Requires Hate core game to play (sold separately). Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
1 Game Board
12 Plateau Tiles
10 Hut Tiles
8 Tree Tiles
100 Plastic Tokens
6 Black Dice
5 Scenario Dashboards
Kickstarter Exclusive “Battlegrounds of HATE” Optional Buy gives you everything you need to run a 3rd simultaneous battle in your HATE chronicle. HATE is a game for up to 6 players to share in the chronicle, made up of mainly 1vs1 battles. So if you want to run the ultimate get-together, you’ll want to be able to run 3 separate battles at the same time. We’ve already included a 2nd set of components in the base pledge to allow backers to play 2 consecutive battles. Now the Battlegrounds of HATE expansion give you the chance to add a full 3rd battle to your lineup.
They ravaged their Mother, the Earth, and bound Her with sorcerous chains. The moon caught fire; the sun froze. In the veins of the world, her lifeblood choked to dust. The oceans boiled to miasmas that clotted the skies. Rocks fanged up from the stubble of dying forests. As She began to rot, Her creatures, Her children, survived as best they could. Tearing at each other, prowling in Her fetid hollows, breeding abominations. Feasting on Her, Fungi and moulds become sentient.
And, as the ages pass, some lineages of men grow monstrous, even as others diminish, weaken and become easily their slaves. These higher men feed on the lesser, growing in strength, and hurl their tribes one upon the other in terrible truceless wars — until one tribe crushes the others into kneeling submission, under a lord, nameless save for his title: Tyrant!
But though decayed, She was not slain. With the little strength remaining, She seduces Worm; the least, the most abject of those creatures bred for meat. Unlikely savior, through sorcery, and helped by unlooked for allies, Worm follows the thread of his fate to Her. If he can free Her, Her blood will spout into a flood and frenzy of returning Life. And her hatred will swell Worm into being Her champion, Her consort, and Her AVENGER, the Horned God!
Based on the graphic novels by the acclaimed Adrian Smith, HATE is a highly kinetic, endlessly brutal campaign game of post-apocalyptic survival. Up to six players battle through a multi-game Chronicle where they use their unique clan to savagely plunder, mutilate, and demoralize their opponents. Death is permanent for clan members; once they die, they are out of the game. The player who most expertly uses savagery (gained by doing unspeakable violence upon their foes) to upgrade their warriors and resources (gained by plundering the land) to unlock powerful new abilities from their village will win the game, but only the player with the most hate will become the Tyrant and rule over the rest!
–from the publisher
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