Kingdom Death Monster: First Hero Expansion (Retail Pre-Order)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-06-30
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.29
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Retail Edition of First Hero Expansion for Kingdom Death: Monster by Adam Poots. Includes First Hero Expansion. Requires Kingdom Death: Monster core game to play (sold separately).
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In the First Hero Expansion, players take the role of 4 veteran survivors who have no settlement to call their own. They find and invade a settlement where they face the First Hero, a survivor so powerful, they do all the hunting by themselves! The purpose of this expansion is to help players start more advanced campaigns at Lantern Year 12 or 20. Instead of simply providing complicated rules to generate later settlements, your showdown with the First Hero will create the advanced settlement that you can take over.
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