Maquis: Second Edition (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.83
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.01
Players: 1 to 1
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Maquis Second Edition card game by Side Room Games. Includes core game and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Engage the Nazi occupation of France in la petite guerre to throw off the yoke of the oppressors and free your homeland!
Maquis is a solitaire worker-placement game with variable goals and a play time of approximately twenty minutes. Militant collaborators and Wehrmacht soldiers patrol the area. Agents who can not make it back to the safe house at the end of the day are arrested, and never seen again.
To begin, the player wants to set up the board, organize the game tokens and randomly choose two mission cards that must be completed in the allotted number of turns.
The player now wants to shuffle the patrol deck and place it next to the side of the board. This deck represents where the Milice patrols will occur during each day.
The player wants to choose a location to send their first worker and assign one of their pawns there. They then draw a patrol card, and place a Milice pawn if able. This continues until all pawns and milice pawns are placed. If the Milice find your worker during patrol, they will be arrested!
Your diligent workers are free to perform their duties, working towards your two goals. Gather resources, recruit fellow patriots to the cause, and undermine the enemy plans to throw off the yoke of oppression and free your homeland!
Check out the playthrough video from Steve at One Stop Co-op Shop!
- Rulebook PDF
- Print & Play
- Try it for free on Tabletop Simulator
Engage the Nazi occupation of France in la petite guerre to throw off the yoke of the oppressors and free your homeland! Maquis is a solitaire worker-placement game with variable goals and a play time of approximately twenty minutes. The player places his resistance agents on spaces around town to achieve his goals – blowing up trains, publishing underground newspapers – but at the same time Milice collaborators and Wehrmacht soldiers patrol the area. Agents who can’t make it back to the safe house at the end of the day are arrested, and never seen again.
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