March of the Ants: Minions of the Meadow (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.57
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.03
Players: 1 to 5
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of March of the Ants: Minions of the Meadow Expansion. Includes Expansion and Exclusive Centipede Brood Mother. Requires March of the Ants cores game to play (sold separately). Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
In March of the Ants: Minions of the Meadow colonies gain powerful new tools to aid in their conquest of the meadow. Major Workers invite players to explore, expand and battle, Aphid Farms grant majestic rewards, Parasitic Evolutions thwart the best laid plans, Tactics increase the allure and spoils of battle, and the fearsome Predators are drawn to the greatest colonies.
Major Workers – Each Colony can breed Major Workers, larger ants who evolve with your colony. Use their powers to scout the best territory or lead your armies to war.
Aphids – Send your ants to find aphids and form a symbiotic relationship. Herd them to new hexes where they will have space to grow and provide greater harvest.
Tactics – Play Tactics like Feint, Ferocious Expansion and Savage Cannibals to catch your opponent by surprise and turn the tide in battle.
Parasitic Evolutions – Infect your opponent’s ants and corrupt their most powerful evolutions, forcing them to share their gains with you.
Predators – Summon forth the Centipede Broodmother and the Trapdoor Spider, terrible beasts who roam beyond the meadow.
–from the publisher
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