Massive Darkness 2: Bard & Tinkerer Vs Metal Angel (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.70
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.09
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2022
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Massive Darkness 2: Bard & Tinkerer vs Metal Angel Board Game Expansion by CMON. Includes expansion. Requires Massive Darkness 2 core game to play (sold separately).
This expansion for Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape features all components to play two new Classes, the Bards and Tinkerers, with 2 Heroes each, and a vile new Roaming Monster: the Metal Angel!
Craft the way to victory, inspired by powerful chords! A Bard’s music and chants can sow dread and despair among the most fearsome enemies and inspire allies to acts of mighty heroism in the midst of combat. A Tinkerer’s ingenuity knows no bounds, allowing them to assemble weapons and gadgets for every occasion, often in the midst of battle.
This box introduces two new Classes: The Bard and the Tinkerer, as well as 4 new Heroes to Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape. Each Class features its own components and special rules, offering a unique play experience. This box also comes with a new Roaming Monster, the narcissistic Metal Angel, one of the most threatening beings in all of the Infernal Realm!
–from the publisher
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