Massive Darkness: Zombicide Green Horde Crossover Set (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.25
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Massive Darkness: Zombicide Green Horde Crossover Set Board Game Supplement by CMON. Includes (from Zombicide: Green Horde Core Box), 6 Heroes: Asim, Berin, Johannes, Megan, Rolf, Seli, 2 Mobs: Orc Walkers, Goblin Runners, 1 Agent: Orc Necromancer, 1 Roaming Monster: Orc Abomination, (from No Rest for the Wicked Expansion) 2 Mobs: Spectal Walkers, Swarm of Ratz, 1 Roaming Monster: Necromantic Dragon, (from Friends and Foes) 4 Heroes: Katelyn, Solveig, Doran, Kabral, 1 Mob: Tainted Walkers, 1 Roaming Monster: Tainted Abomination, 3 Familiars (6 cards in different levels): Dog of War, Flying Feline, Wolf, (from Adrian Smith Special Guest Box), 3 Roaming Monsters: Lord of Skulls, Doom, Gloom, (from Paul Bonner Special Guest Box), 4 Heroes: Kirag, Thorg, Tola, Carol Black-Oak, 1 Roaming Monster: Faolan, (from Sean A. Murray Special Guest Box), 3 Heroes: Cardinal Birmbauer, Kendra, Spellbones, 1 Agent: Grand Inquisitor Innsmouth. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The Green Horde Crossover set brings all of the retail characters introduced in the Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter campaign into Massive Darkness. It contains 64 cards converting 17 Heroes, 5 Mobs, 2 Agents, 7 Roaming Monsters, and 3 Familiars to use them in Massive Darkness. As this is not a Kickstarter Exclusive item, it does not include any of the Kickstarter Exclusive characters from the Zombicide: Green Horde campaign, and those will not be converted to Massive Darkness.
Green Horde Crossover Contents:
Zombicide: Green Horde Core Box
– 6 Heroes: Asim, Berin, Johannes, Megan, Rolf, Seli
– 2 Mobs: Orc Walkers, Goblin Runners
– 1 Agent: Orc Necromancer
– 1 Roaming Monster: Orc Abomination
No Rest for the Wicked Expansion
– 2 Mobs: Spectal Walkers, Swarm of Ratz
– 1 Roaming Monster: Necromantic Dragon
Friends and Foes
– 4 Heroes: Katelyn, Solveig, Doran, Kabral
– 1 Mob: Tainted Walkers
– 1 Roaming Monster: Tainted Abomination
– 3 Familiars (6 cards in different levels): Dog of War, Flying Feline, Wolf
Adrian Smith Special Guest Box
– 3 Roaming Monsters: Lord of Skulls, Doom, Gloom
Paul Bonner Special Guest Box
– 4 Heroes: Kirag, Thorg, Tola, Carol Black-Oak
– 1 Roaming Monster: Faolan
Sean A. Murray Special Guest Box (Include in all Horde pledges)
– 3 Heroes: Cardinal Birmbauer, Kendra, Spellbones
– 1 Agent: Grand Inquisitor Innsmouth
Note that the Massive Darkness Crossover set only contain the cards for these characters, you’ll need to acquire the corresponding Optional Buys in order to have the miniatures to use them. Of course, you’ll also need a copy of the Massive Darkness core box to use this item.
–from the publisher
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