Migration (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.58
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.26
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2013
Content Notes: Retail edition of Migration Board Game. Includes core board game.
Migration is a game suitable for 2-4 players, in which each player takes the role of multiple anthropomorphic animals migrating to a new continent. Players take turns to place an animal token on the board, representing towns. Each new town must originate from the last town placed (with certain exceptions). Each animal token has a unique ability, introducing a high degree of strategy. The game is over when no player is able to make a legal move, and points are scored for each town on the board. The player with the highest score wins.
Migration: Book II – A Saga of Conflict includes both Book I and a new Book II. There are new mechanics since the Game Crafter version including: Age Cards, an optional drafting mechanism, a modular board, additional terrain modifiers, and six new explorer types.
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