One Deck Dungeon: Relics of The Forge Deluxe Vault All-In Bundle (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-11-30
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.50
Players: 1 to 2
Published: 2025
Content Notes: Publisher Exclusive One Deck Dungeon: Relics of the Forge Deluxe Vault All-In Bundle Board Game by Asmadi Games. Includes Deluxe core game, Deluxe Forest of Shadows expansion, Deluxe Relics of the Forge expansion, Deluxe Abyssal Trove box, Large Vault storage box, and all applicable unlocked stretch goals.
One Deck Dungeon returns with a brand new full expansion! The Forge hungers for fuel, and it will reward your efforts with great power if you satisfy it.
During Setup, you’ll choose a Relic to enter the dungeon with. This Relic will shape your strategies, as it will be your means for filling the Forge with fuel, and also a powerful way to expend it!
This expansion is stand-alone, and contains all new dungeons, heroes, monsters, traps.
–from the publisher
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