Petrichor Collectors Edition: Eternal Fields Pledge Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.01
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.17
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive “Eternal Fields” Pledge for Petrichor Board Game by Mighty Boards. Includes Petrichor Base Game, Cows Expansion, KS Exclusive Volcano promo tile, Collector’s Edition Upgrade Kit, Venus Flytrap promo tile, Flowers Expansion, Honeybee Expansion, Anthill, Lake, and Cactus Promo Tiles, the rare SWARM PROMO CARD and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The Eternal Fields Pledge Includes:
1x Petrichor Base Game
1x Collector’s Edition Upgrade Kit
1x Petrichor: Cows Expansion
1x Petrichor: Flowers Expansion
1x Petrichor: Honeybee Expansion
1x Anthill, Lake, and Cactus Promo Tiles, and
All Kickstarter unlocked stretch goals packaged together in the Collector’s Promo Pack!
This pledge level is for those new to Petrichor and want the complete collection, including the Collector’s Edition Upgrade Kit and all the promo tiles and expansions ever released.
Get the Deluxe Edition treatment of the highly acclaimed game of Petrichor. Featuring a newly illustrated cover by iella and finished off with a spot of UV coating.
Petrichor: Base Game
In Petrichor, you are a cloud. You use weather to your advantage to make sure you are the one responsible for growing the most crops. This would be an easy task, if the other clouds weren’t on the same quest too! So prepare for some mischief in the sky as you trick and outsmart your friends to make sure you are reigning cloud! (…yes we went there).
Petrichor: Flowers Expansion
Petrichor: Flowers is an expansion to the Petrichor base game.
It adds 3 new types of tiles each changing up the Petrichor formula in unique ways, special player powers for each player, and the Forecast expansion module which adds a new type of playable action card.
Petrichor: Honeybee Expansion
Pollinate your apple trees, your blueberry bushes, or your watermelon, collect more honey than your opponents, and use the bee to sneak into tiles where nobody expected you to get to!
The Honeybee expansion is for 1-4 players (including full solo support), and if combined with the Flowers expansion it also supports 5 player mode.
Petrichor just got sweeter.
Lake Promo Tile
What if the crops were surrounded by a lake? The lake promo adds a body of water to the crop tiles enabling wind draughts that allow for faster movement across the board and faster evaporation.
Cactus Promo Tile
More water is not always better, some plants can be ruined if overwatered. The cactus produces higher quality fruit with more sparse water availability.
Anthill Promo Tile
The anthill introduces another force of nature – Ants. Use them to your advantage with their capability of moving moisture around the board.
Petrichor: Collectors Edition Upgrade Kit & Custom molded floating clouds
Complete and unified rulebook that includes rules for the Petrichor base bage and all expansions in one place
Full custom storage solution in collaboration with GameTrayz:
– Individual trays for each player
– Customized trays for tokens, cards and tiles
– Fits all content ever created, including sleeved cards!
– Custom tray to hold the new floating clouds
Petrichor: Cows Expansion
Petrichor: Cows, the final expansion, adds COWS to the mix, bringing with it:
– The new Graze Action allows players to move the cows, produce manure, manipulate methan crystals and effect the world’s climate.
– The Climate Board tracks the climate and related events.
– And a whole new set of Climate Sensitive Trees: The Norway Spruce, The Date Pal, The Sweet Chestnut, The Baobab.
The Cows Expansion is compatible with both the Honeybee and Flowers expansions and supports Southern Winds solo mode.
Collector’s Promo Pack
Contains all unlocked stretch goals from the KS Campaign
– 8 New Promo Tiles: Volcano, Alfalfa, Biodome, Blackberry, Cloudberry, Snapdragon, Sunflower, Venus Flytrap , Volcano
– Fog Catchers Mini Expansion
– Wonders Mini Expansion
– Orchids Mini Expansion
– Crop Rotation Mini Expansion
– Assorted tokens needed for the specific crops
– 14 Promo Cards: 5 cards Meteorologist Pack, 1 Player Power, 8 Extreme Weather Events & the rare Swarming Card
– Terrain Mini-Expansion (5 Meeples)
Petrichor is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. The word is constructed from Greek (πέτρα) petra, meaning “stone”, and (ἰχώρ) īchōr, the fluid that flows in the veins of the gods in Greek mythology.
Welcome to the lush world of Petrichor; you are a cloud. Your entire purpose in life is to expand, sire other clouds and water crops. Unfortunately, your mates (who are also clouds) have a similar plan. It’s up to you to manipulate the weather and assimilate these rogue clouds to contribute to the growth of as many crops as possible – all in order to claim the title of Most Valuable Cloud.
Petrichor is a highly interactive board game, playable by 1-4 people (up to 5 with the expansion, see below). It’s an action selection/area influence game, with 4 simple actions which interact with the various fields in ever surprising ways. The players move clouds with water droplets, and then rain those droplets onto specific fields, to make sure they have the right amount of water for the Harvest. During a Harvest, crops that have been watered enough are scored! Players are able to influence when, and how often the harvest happens. Players need to strike a fine balance between maintaining control of the different fields as well as influencing Harvest, to make sure the two come together at the optimal time.
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