Pret a Porter (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.38
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.23
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Prêt-à-Porter by Portal Games. Includes core game and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Includes All Retail Version Items plus KS Exclusives (you won’t find in retail version elsewhere):
+Custom Wooden First Player Token
+10 Custom Card Pack by Ryan Laukat
+10 Custom Card Pack by Matheu Lyssenne
+10 Custom Card Pack by Mihajlo Dimitrievski
+10 Custom Card Pack by Tomasz Jedruszek
+10 Custom Card Pack by Piero
+10 Custom Card Pack by David Cochard
+2.5 mm Cardboard Pieces (instead of 1.5mm)
+8 Custom Screen Printed Upkeep Markers
+12 Custom Screen Printed Player Action Pawns
+Custom Screen Printed Resource Pieces (All)
+Wooden Score Tracking Player Markers
+Custom Wooden Piece for Round Track
(see below for images)
Prêt-à-Porter uses the simple mechanism of worker placement to ease players into making decisions, and to foster direct competition between them, during the game. With three action pawns each round, you can choose among all the options laid out in front of you — except for those already claimed by your competitors.
The game revolves around international fashion shows – special Show rounds in which all players will present their Collections and compete for awards in four different feature categories. Each Show round – four in all during the game – is preceded by two Working rounds.
In every Working round, 3 new Contract cards, 3 new Building cards, and 3 new Employee cards are revealed. These are your means to expand your business, invest in your company and develop long time strategy.
Signing a new Contract grants you benefits with no ongoing costs. It is a powerful way to increase your company’s capabilities, but contracts expire during the game. They are very beneficial, but they won’t add to your long time strategy as much as new Building cards will. Renting or building new facilities is expensive and can be a financial burden, but the ongoing benefits are substantial. The last type of cards, Employees, offer good value for a reasonable cost, they can make a difference and give your company the edge, provided you have enough workspace for them.
In addition to signing new Contract, building new Building, and hiring new Employees, you will race for trendy new Design cards, buy fabric and materials from different sources (always looking for the best quality and price), arrange financing at the Bank, and make use of other locations as you prepare for the next Show round.
During the Show round, each player presents their Collection, the culmination of their efforts for the previous two rounds. It’s the heart of the game, the event that separates the winners from the losers.
During each show, Collections are judged in four different categories (Trendy, Quality, etc.). Each award raises your company’s Prestige and, what’s more, allows you to sell your Collection for a much higher price.
Prêt-à-Porter is an economic strategy game set in a world of fashion. Players run clothes companies and fight for dominance during fashion shows. It is – perhaps – one of the most cruel and ruthless of all our games. Money can be a dangerous weapon.
During the game players open new branches and outlets, hire new workers and try to gain new capabilities. New Design Agencies, Brand stores or Preparation rooms are opened, Accountants, Models and Designers are hired, lucrative contracts are signed to allow for short-term profits and expand company’s competencies.
Every single month player’s company gains new capabilities.
Each quarter held fashion shows – each player has to prepare a collection of clothing and has to show it on the show. The public, media, experts estimate collections in four categories and award prizes and diplomas. The more awards (represented by ‘stars’ in the game) will be collected at the show, the more money the players earn for selling their collection!
Will you get award for best Trends? Will you manage to be best in Public Relations and get the Media award? Will you earn more ‘stars’ than your opponent?
If you win ‘stars’, your opponents don’t.
If you win ‘stars’, you earn more money. Your opponents don’t.
If you win ‘stars’, you earn money, you hire new stuff, you get better. Your opponents don’t.
That is why during show you will kill for every single ‘star’. Welcome to the hell…
Prêt-à-Porter is a 2-4 player board game, unique mix of deep economy strategy and direct interaction. Low luck element, many important decisions to be made and many strategies that can be used to acclaim victory. With wide range of different employees, different buildings and contracts you can create your unique company every single time.
–from the publisher
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