Pyramid Arcade (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.18
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.99
Players: 1 to 10
Published: 2016
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Pyramid Arcade Board Game. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Pyramid Arcade is a compilation of 22 games that can be played with Looney Pyramids and assorted other components. Looney Pyramids are colored pyramids in three sizes that can nest together.
The plan for Pyramid Arcade is to focus on games that can be played with three or fewer trees of each color, and include ten colors of pyramids (ninety in all). Pyramid Arcade will also include numerous boards, nine dice, and a rulebook explaining all the games.
The individual games are:
Black Ice
Color Wheel
Give or Take
Launchpad 23
Looney Ludo
Lunar Invaders
Martian Chess
Petal Battle
Petri Dish
Pyramid Shambo
Twin Win
Volcano (v3.0, aka Fiesta Caldera)
World War 5
Zark City
–from the publisher
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