Railways of The World: Rail Barons of The World (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.69
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2022
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Rail Barons of the World Board Game Expansion by Eagle Gryphon Games. Includes 22 Baron cards, 109 Solo Play cards, 15 “not in play” tokens, 1 Railbot Action token, 1 Insurance Token, 8 reference cards, plus 12 bonus baron cards. Not a stand-alone board game. This is a board game expansion for Railways of the World. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Rail Barons of the World contains a new universal Rail Baron deck that can be used with any Railways of the World Series map as well as a solo mode for 7 Railways of the World Series maps – Eastern US, Mexico, Portugal, Nippon, Great Britain, Sweden, and Australia.
Each universal Rail Baron has a goal for the player to achieve to earn points while playing a Railways of the World Series map.
The new solo mode introduced into the Railways of the World Series adds new twists and challenges to 7 of the Railways of the World Series maps. The solo system was designed by DÁvid Turczi & John Albertson.
–description from the publisher
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