Rising Sun: Dynasty Invasion Expansion (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 9.50
Players: 3 to 6
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Dynasty Invasion Expansion for Rising Sun Board game. Includes expansion plus KS exclusives: 1 Moon Clan Plastic Alliance Marker, 4 Moon Clan Plastic Strongholds, 1 Sun Clan Plastic Alliance Marker, 4 Sun Clan Plastic Strongholds as well as 27 Miniatures (1 Moon Clan Daimyo, 3 Moon Clan Shinto, 3 Moon Clan Bushi A , 3 Moon Clan Bushi B, 1 Sun Clan Daimyo, 3 Sun Clan Shinto, 3 Sun Clan Bushi A, 3 Sun Clan Bushi B, 7 Lucky Gods), 4 Plastic Clan Markers, 2 Clan Screens, 1 Political/War Tile, 8 Stronghold Tokens, 15 Season Cards, 7 Lucky God Monster Cards, and 20 Counter Bases. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Sailing across the ocean from another land, the Dynasty Invasion brings two full new Clans, who will count on their own Seven Lucky Gods and introduce an extra Set of Season cards! This expansion brings a lot of extra variety to Rising Sun, ライジングサン, featuring two Clans that forego the allegiance of Japanese Monsters, relying on their own Seven Lucky Gods instead.
The Dynasty Invasion expansion box contains:
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