Roland Wright: Deluxe Edition (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition of Roland Wright Board Game by Perplext Games. Include core game and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Roland Wright: A Pursuit of the Perfect Dice Game is the first “roll & write” game in Perplext’s series of premium dice games, with players taking the role of Roland Wright, a fictional game designer who is obsessed with making great roll & write games in his “old time” workshop. Imagine Willy Wonka crossed with Reiner Knizia, and you’re getting the spirit.
In this game, players select dice each turn to complete game design modules and earn equipment in order to create the “perfect dice game”.
–from the publisher
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