Root: Exiles and Partisans Deck (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.59
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.39
Players: 2 to 6
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Root: Exiles and Partisans Deck by Leder Games. Root: Exiles and Partisans retail board game supplement includes a deck of 54 cards. Requires core game (sold separately). This is an accessory of Root.
>Mix things up with an alternative deck of cards. This deck replaces the old deck and contains a fresh roster of special powers for players to craft, many based on the factions themselves. Frustrated by the Woodland Alliance’s guerrilla tactics? Develop the ability to fight in the shadows yourself! But, be careful, many new powers come with new vulnerabilities.
–description from the publisher
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