Root: Underworld (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.80
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.75
Players: 2 to 6
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Root: Underworld Expansion by Leder Games. Root: Underworld retail board game expansion includes Wooden Pieces: 35 Warriors, 1 Ferry, 1 Tower. Cardboard Pieces: 6 Buildings, 19 Tokens, the Burrow, 4 Relationship Markers, 2 Victory Point Markers, 6 Closed Path Markers. Cards: 9 Ministers, 2 Overviews. Board (Lake and Mountain Maps), 2 Dice, 2 Faction Boards (Duchy, Corvid). Requires core game (sold separately). This is an accessory of Root.
New factions and battlefields join the world of Root! The Underworld Expansion includes:
The Great Underground Duchy: an imperial faction that mixes the flexibility of the Marquise with the escalating Eyrie Dynasties.
The Corvid Conspiracy: a secretive faction that hatches plots directly into the hands of their opponents.
Two new maps: dig tunnels on the mountain map or fight to control the ferry on the lake map.
–description from the publisher
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