Santa’s Workshop: Deluxe Edition Plus Promos (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-03-31
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.88
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.76
Players: 2 to 5
Published: 2025
Content Notes: Publisher Exclusive Santa’s Workshop: Deluxe Edition Board Game by Elf Creek Games. Includes core game, 1st Christmas Promo, 2nd Christmas Promo, and all applicable unlocked stretch goals.
Welcome to the North Pole!
It’s late in December, and Santa is gearing up for his big night. His elvish helpers are busy making sure he’s ready to deliver joy across the world! The elves have a lot to do: toys to be built and assembled, reindeer to be tended in the stables, and the North Pole’s own Christmas tree to decorate. It’s a time of unbelievable hustle and bustle!
After the Christmas season is over, Santa always takes his own holiday, somewhere sunny and warm, and he brings along the most industrious team of elves as a reward. Can you lead your elvish crew to earn a spot with Santa on vacation?
Santa’s Workshop is a reimplementation of a game by the same name released in 2017. This new edition comes with two game modes: the standard game for families, and an advanced game for ages 10 and up.
–from the publisher
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