Shardhunters (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Shardhunters Board Game by Lychan Studios. Include core game and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The Shardhunters card game is set in the world of Unseen Domains, a gloomy version of the 17th century Europe, where people infected by a witchplague return as zombies after their death.
In this new world order, the rare and highly valued blood crystals are sought-after by fearless adventurers called Shardhunters, whose bold search for the crystals in the wilderness cannot even be hindered by
zombies, werewolves nor bandits.
The players can hire adventurers from the tavern deck with the help of blood crystals. Every heroes unique skill, or their combination of, helps to gather further crystals.
The battles between heroes and creatures are rapid but almost unrepeatable, where besides luck the key to success lies in good tactics and knowing you opponent.
During the encounters everyone receives cards from the monster deck, which have only two attributes that need to be studied: a value and a colour.
During the battle rounds, which account as quests for the heroes, everyone plays these monsters simultaneously, which means nonstop action and no idleness.
The game ends when a player is in possession of seven adventurers and then plays a successful quest .
Gather crystals, organize your strongest heroes and gain victory over the opponents team.
–from the publisher
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