Sorcerer: Endbringer Only Tier Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.40
Players: 1 to 3
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Endbringer Expansion “Endbringer Only Tier” Pledge for Sorcerer card game by Wise Wizard Games. Includes Endbringer expansion, and all unlocked stretch goals. Requires core game (sold separately). This is an expansion of Sorcerer. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
This expansion combined with the Sorcerer Base Game allows 1-3 players for solo and cooperative play.
- 13 Oversized Cards
- Four 20 card Nemesis Decks
- Four 25 card Horde Decks
- 45 Other Game Cards
- 4 Giant Standees
- 3 New Battlefields
- 50 Counters
- 1 Score Dial
- A Full Color Rulebook
- Game Overview – Endbringer
One to three players will team up to battle against a crazed demigod known as a Maneater. You’ll create this adversary by combining a Nemesis (who they are), with an Aspect (what army they lead), and a Scenario (what they are doing). For example you may battle Erling Khan the Deathdealer who is Leading the Invasion.
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