Starcadia Quest: Nayomi & Tanaka (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2022
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Starcadia Quest – Nayomi & Tanaka Board Game Expansion by CMON. Includes two heroes: Nayomi & Tanaka. Not a stand-alone board game. This is an expansion for Starcadia Quest Board Game- sold separately. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Nayomi trained all her life to master the cool ninja arts, be able to wear cool ninja outfits, surprise enemies with cool ninja stealth, and most importantly, use the cool ninja smoke bombs. Once during the game, if Nayomi finds herself on the verge of suffering a final, lethal damage, she is able to smoke bomb enemies and move away 3 spaces, while maintaining 1 life.
Of course the battle against Thorne is important (who would like that guy anyway?) but Tanaka is mostly after the adventure, excitement, and fun that only traveling the galaxy and fighting enemies can provide. In fact, he enjoys it so much that anytime he rolls a CRIT or defense, he’s so filled with joy that he unexhausts one of his Upgrades.
–from the publisher
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