Sword & Sorcery: Ancient Chronicles Gold Add-on Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.00
Players: 1 to 5
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter “Gold” Add-on Bundle for Sword & Sorcery: Ancient Chronicles Board Game by Ares Games. Includes Myths of the Arena Expansion, Alternate Hero Pack, Sigurd Hero, Sigrid Hero, Shakiko Hero, Genryu Hero, Lawful Familiars, Chaotic Familiars, Ghost Soul Heroes, and Alternate Hero Ghosts. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The Sword & Sorcery – Ancient Chronicles Gold Bundle includes:
- Ancient Chronicles: Myths of the Arena : 1 Storybook/B.o.S. (4 quests, 3 new playing Modes: Coop & PVP), 2 Enemy Figures, 2 Master Enemy Figures, 12 Map Tiles, 6 Overlays, 15 Cards, 24 Tokens.
- Ancient Chronicles: Shakiko & Genryu Hero Packs: 2 Hero Figures, 2 Ghost Soul Figures, 2 Nemesis Figures, 2 Deluxe Hero Sheets, 2 Soul Gems, 40 Item & power Cards, 18 Tokens.
- Ancient Chronicles: Sigurd & Sigrid Hero Packs: 2 Hero Figures, 2 Ghost Soul Figures, 2 Nemesis Figures, 2 Deluxe Hero Sheets, 2 Soul Gems, 40 Item & power Cards, 18 Tokens.
- Ancient Chronicles: Lawful Familiars: 5 Familiar Figures & Cards + 1 Venture.
- Ancient Chronicles: Chaotic Familiars: 5 Familiar Figures & Cards + 1 Venture.
- Ancient Chronicles: Ghost Soul Heroes: 6 Ghost Blue Hero Figures.
- Ancient Chronicles: Alternate Hero Set: 5 Hero Figures, 5 Deluxe Hero sheets, 5 soul gems, 75 cards, 10 Tokens.
- Ancient Chronicles: Alternate Ghost Soul Heroes: 5 Ghost Blue Hero Figures.
Myths of the Arena offers endless challenges for Heroes of any Soul rank, thanks to 4 different playing modes. You can play Myths of the Arena as a co-op quest using the “Gods of the Arena” playing mode – a series of connected missions/challenges of increasing difficulty, ending in your fight with the Legends of the Arena, to win epic treasures. But you can also use this expansion to enjoy using your Sword & Sorcery Heroes and Enemies using 3 bonus playing modes:
- Lords of Endless Pain: where you find out how long can you hold your ground against an infinite horde of blood-thirsty enemies.
- Kings of the Pit: where your challenge is to conquer the sacred altars and defend them.
- Clash of the Heroes: where for the first time Heroes can fight against each other in duel – one vs. one, alone with a mercenary at youir side, or team vs. team.
Myths of the Arena can be played in the Ancient Chronicles campaign, but it is also completely compatible with Immortal Souls, and can be played in that campaign as well.
The Ancient Chronicles: Myths of Arena includes:
- 1 Storybook/Book of Secrets: 4 quests, 3 new playing Modes: Coop & PVP.
- 2 Enemies: 1 Nemean Lion Figure, 1 Cerberus Figure.
- 2 Master Enemies: 1 Nemean Lion Figure, 1 Cerberus Figure.
- 12 Map Tiles.
- 6 Overlays.
- 15 Cards.
- 24 Tokens.
Would you like to play both Shakiko and Genryu , to include in your party a White and Black Monk at the same time? Or to play with two Monks of the same school, at the same time? You can get Shakiko and Genryu together, ordering both Heroes in this dual pack at a reduced cost.
This set includes:
- 2 Hero Figures.
- 2 Ghost Soul Figures.
- 2 Nemesis Figures.
- 2 Deluxe Hero Sheets.
- 2 Soul Gems.
- 40 Item & Power Cards.
- 2 Trait cards.
- 18 Tokens.
This add-on set includes miniatures and cards for five familiars: 2 Domestic familiars (Dog and Lizard) 2 Magical Familiars (Owl and Boar) 1 Divine Familiar (Pixie).
Folk-tales about some of these creatures may let you think they bring good luck and are harbingers of good omens. Arcane creatures like the Pixie, or wild beast like the Boar, can prove to be very useful allies.
Familiars are creatures creating a mystical bond with a hero, and this add-on gives you five different Familiars to include in your campaign.
There are three different kinds of familiars: Domestic, which you can buy in cities, Magical, which you can find during your adventures; Divine, which you can find thanks to a Venture.
While they are not as physically strong as companions, they provide help to your hero, and are sneaky enough to be hard to target from enemies – but be careful, losing your familiar can have dire consequences for your Hero!
Familiars have a special crescent-shaped base, so you can keep them close to your hero, as they should be!
The Ancient Chronicles: Chaotic Familiars includes:
- 5 Familiar Figures.
- 5 Familiar Cards.
This add-on set includes miniatures and cards for five familiars: 1 Domestic familiar (Cat), 2 Magical Familiars (Crow and Bat), 2 Divine Familiars (Imp and Drakeling).
Folk-tales about some of these creatures may let you think they bring bad luck and are harbingers of bad omens, but you should not trust the idle chat of old crones! Arcane creatures like the Imp, or magnificent little wonders like the Drakeling, can prove to be very useful allies.
Familiars are creatures creating a mystical bond with a hero, and this add-on gives you five different Familiars to include in your campaign.
There are three different kinds of familiars: Domestic, which you can buy in cities, Magical, which you can find during your adventures; Divine, which you can find thanks to a Venture. While they are not as physically strong as companions, they provide help to your hero, and are sneaky enough to be hard to target from enemies – but be careful, losing your familiar can have dire consequences for your Hero!
Familiars have a special crescent-shaped base, so you can keep them close to your hero, as they should be!
The Ancient Chronicles: Chaotic Familiars includes:
- 5 Familiar Figures.
- 5 Familiar Cards.
This add-on includes light-blue colored additional miniatures for the five Heroes figures included in the Ancient Chronicles Core Set.
Use unpainted as Ghost Soul Form Heroes; or paint them!
The Ancient Chronicles: Ghost Soul Heroes Set includes:
- 5 Ghost Blue Hero Figures.
Would you like to play both Sigurd and Sigrid, to include in your party a Thane and a Skald at the same time? Or to play with two Thanes or Skalds? Then you can get Sigurd and Sigrid together, ordering both Heroes in this dual pack at a reduced cost.
This set includes:
- 2 Hero Figures.
- 2 Ghost Soul Figures.
- 2 Nemesis Figures.
- 2 Deluxe Hero Sheets.
- 2 Soul Gems.
- 40 Item & Power Cards.
- 2 Trait cards.
- 18 Tokens.
A set of five playable Heroes. Each Hero has the same class as one matching Hero included in the Ancient Chronicles Core Set.
Using this Alternate Hero Pack set you can play with two Heroes of the same class (or with the two different versions of the Hero) in the same game.
You can customize each Hero using a different “Traits” card (included with each Hero in Ancient Chronicles) or a different “Background” card (from the appropriate deck).
Note: Ghost soul form figures of the characters are not included in this set. Add the set of Ghost Soul forms if you want to include the Ghost Soul form figures of these characters.
The Ancient Chronicles: Alternate Hero Pack Set includes:
- 5 Hero Figures.
- 5 Deluxe Hero Sheets.
- 5 Soul Gems.
- 75 Item & Power Cards.
- 10 Tokens
This add-on includes light-blue colored additional miniatures for the five Heroes included in the Alternate Hero Set.
Use unpainted as Ghost Soul Form Heroes; or paint them!
The Ancient Chronicles: Alternate Ghost Soul Heroes Set includes:
- 5 Ghost Blue Hero Figures.
Sword & Sorcery is an epic-fantasy cooperative board game in which 1-5 players fight together against the forces of evil, which are controlled by the game system itself.
Each player controls one or more heroes – legendary characters brought back to life by powerful sorcery. Weakened by the resurrection, they grow stronger during their story-driven quests. By acquiring soul points during battles, the heroes, souls regenerate, restoring their legendary status with multiple powers, magic and soul weapons, and powerful artifacts.
,Ancient Chronicles, a new starting point for the game, is fully compatible with the original Immortal Souls campaign in terms of gameplay, allowing players to cross over heroes and monsters from one campaign to another. Gameplay remains familiar, but this new cycle also introduces new elements to the setting, expanding both the narrative engine and the mechanisms, without making the game more complex.
The Ancient Chronicles campaign is set in the distant past of the events narrated in the Immortal Souls campaign. sword and sorcerer
— from the publisher
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