Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon Sundrop Stretch Goal Box (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.73
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.03
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Tainted Grail Stretch Goal Box Board Game Expansion by Awaken Realms. Contains Last Knight Expansion, Age of Legends Expansion, Sundrop shading for all miniatures, and all other applicable stretch goals. Not a stand-alone board game. Requires Tainted Grail core game to play (sold separately). Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The stretch goals, Age of Legends and Last Knight are packaged together in one box.
Last Knight:
Set 400 years after the main story, the Last Knight is brimming with new interactions, choices, secrets, and long-term consequences of actions made 400 years ago, during the previous campaign. You will now travel a cold, desolate landscape of apocalyptic Avalon in search of answers and – perhaps – salvation.
This expansion to the base game adds an additional campaign with 15 new Chapters, representing an additional 30-40 hours of gameplay. The campaign includes 4 new travelers (Mabd, Dagan, Sloan, and Fyul), 280 new cards, 64 oversized location cards, and a 220-page Campaign Journal.
Age of Legends:
Go back 1,000 years, and be one of the first humans to set foot on Avalon. Discover the truth behind the legends. Join the Knights of the Round Table in their quests and trials. This time, you will join the first humans to set foot on Avalon, 600 years before the events of the first campaign, and see the Fore-dweller empire at the height of its power.
This expansion to the base game adds an additional campaign with 15 new Chapters, representing an additional 30-40 hours of gameplay. The campaign includes 4 new travelers (Naazer, Thebalt, Caolin, and Duana), 280 new cards, 64 oversized location cards, and a 220-page Campaign Journal.
–from the publisher
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